In Action #3/Note New Date 9/1

If you’re like me, when I see a political poster with lots of exclamation points, I step back.  I’m not an ideologue!  I’m not strident!  

But we are living in apocalyptic times and it’s time to stop making excuses for not showing up.  As a white middle-class person, I’ve known the shameful truth about Bayview Hunters Point in San Francisco, although I didn’t know specifics like one half of all children suffer from asthma and the life expectancy of BVHP residents is 14 years less than those living a few miles away in Russian Hill. 

So I’m showing up for the first time – after all these years.   And I’m inviting you to show up with me.   Join me in the “We Can’t Breathe” Car and Bike Caravan Action next Tuesday, September 1 in support of the residents of Bayview Hunters Point in San Francisco.   They’ve been living with—and dying from - pollution, toxic contamination, and resulting illnesses for decades.  On Tuesday they are asking Mayor Breed and the SF Board of Supervisors to clean up the radioactive and toxic waste and end upscale developments that would displace them. 

This is a moment where local activism, racial justice, and environmental demands come together.  As an Extinction Rebellion friend said, “If enough white people show up, City Hall will have to pay attention.”

It’s time to show up!  Spread the word!

BVHP A25 We Can't Breathe flyer for blog post.jpg

When: Sept. 1, 11:00 a.m. – 2:00pm

Where: Gathering at MLK Park in the Bayview (SF), 3rd St. and Carroll Ave.

We’ll caravan to the corrupt Lennar development company “Welcome Center” at the former Hunters Point Naval Shipyard, and from there to City Hall.

There will be a bike caravan as well, with either the same or different route.

PLEASE RSVP so we know how many cars are showing up and can make sure we have enough traffic and safety directors.


BVHP WE CAN’T Breathe! Environmental Justice Protest

Bayview Hunters Point Says: WE CAN’T BREATHE!

If you don’t like to mix with people and want to stay in the safety and comfort of your car, or are looking to educate your kids about environmental racism, this is the action for you!  Bikers invited as well!

The protest will be from 11:00am – 2:00pm. We will proceed S-L-O-W-L-Y along a pre-determined route (you’ll get a map).  Rallies at the beginning and end can be enjoyed from your car—or outside (masked and distanced)


Masks, just in case you leave your car, and homemade posters if you wish.  

There will also be signs available at the meeting place at MLK Park


Stop Gentrification! Stop India Basin!

Stop Killing US! Clean up the Shipyard!

Land = Life. Displacement = Death. Stop Gentrification!

Covid = Environmental Racism

Cops & Covid & Shipyard Cover-ups: We Can’t Breathe!

Cops. Covid. Contamination. We Can’t Breathe!

Contamination & Corruption are Killing Us!

City Hall: Do Your Job! Protect the Bayview Community!

We Will Not Stand By While People in the Bayview Die!


For more information, background, or how to help, contact Greenaction at

or Helen: 


Bayview Hunters Point (BVHP) is a low-income community of color located on San Francisco Bay in southeast San Francisco. The residents and environment of BVHP are disproportionately impacted by many stationary and mobile pollution sources, including radioactive and toxic contamination at the Hunters Point Naval Shipyard Superfund site and dozens of other contaminated sites throughout the community. 

Other pollution sources include the Southeast Sewage Treatment plant, under-regulated and unregulated dirty industries, diesel freight transport, the Port of San Francisco, and two freeways.  

Residents suffer from a high rate of asthma and cancer, and the state’s CalEnviroScreen ranks BVHP as one of the communities in the state most at risk from pollution. Large mega-developments proposed for new upscale residents threaten to gentrify the community, and would likely result in displacement of longtime residents and small family-owned businesses.

SPONSORS of Bayview Hunters Point Tuesday, Sept. 1 "We Can't Breathe" Protest Caravan

Bayview Hunters Point Mothers & Fathers Committee

Greenaction for Health & Environmental Justice

Literacy for Environmental Justice

San Francisco Bay View Newspaper



PODER, ANSWER-Act Now to Stop War & End Racism - Bay Area

OccupySF Environmental Justice Working Group

Codepink Golden Gate

Meiklejohn Civil Liberties Institute (MCLI)

Extinction Rebellion SF Bay

National Lawyers Guild/ San Francisco

1000 Grandmothers

350 Silicon Valley

Black Swan Arts & Media